
SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a process which teaches you how to stay on top of search engines, when it comes to website rankings. We can also say that it is a collection of techniques that helps your website to get more traffic from search engines. Humans use search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, AOL etc. to find their queries. If your website are in those results, you will get relevant traffic.  SEO basically helps your website to stay on top of search engine results. It was estimated that millions of users use different search engines daily to find their queries. When the user enters a query in a search engine and samsh enter the user gets thousands of results. From that thousands of results the top 10 will appear on the first page of Search Engine results that matches the query terms which user has entered. Users normally visit the website that are at the top of the list as they are more related to their query. These websites ranks good than the others because

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